Enhance patient involvement in effective, clinically-managed treatment of musculoskeletal disorders and provide a self-applied means to relieve pain, restore function and successfully limit the progression of disability in their lives.
Be the gold standard in therapeutic medicine for effective patient engagement in treating musculoskeletal disorders.
Corporate Responsibility and Citizenship
WE ACCEPT the responsibility and will strive to contribute to the cause of decreasing the economic burden of musculoskeletal disorders on healthcare systems.
WE WILL provide the highest quality, reliable products and services to our clients and stand behind them for the well-being of the patient.
WE WILL support the medical professional organizations and communities we do business within and participate in growth and awareness wherever possible.
WE RECOGNIZE the importance of our team, employees and healthcare providers, and pledge our loyalty and commitment to always provide opportunity for personal and professional growth and a means to share in the success of our company.
WE PLEDGE our commitment to those suffering with musculoskeletal disorders to continue to develop products and treatment procedures that will significantly enhance their quality of life.
TrPRO-RELIEF Corporation > Henderson, NV 89014 > USA
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