EMPOWERMENT... the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one's life and claiming one's rights.
TrPro-Relief Corporation is a privately held company headquartered in Southern California. The company designs, manufactures and markets medical devices for clinical and self-applied physical therapy. Our primary focus is developing diagnostic and treatment devices designed specifically for musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs).
Musculoskeletal disorders are a serious public health concern worldwide. They are the number one cause of disability and their economic burden to healthcare systems and workforce productivity is staggering... and projected to get worse.
Physical therapy is the essential component of the musculoskeletal disorder treatment model. Achieving outcome goals with patients suffering from these disorders almost always necessitates some form of trigger point (TrP) therapy. From our perspective, TrP therapy is not solely a clinical treatment modality. Our prescription devices form a "partnership" between the therapist and patient extending their course of care beyond the clinic and into the home. Most importantly, the learned self-application therapy techniques can be used by the patient beyond their clinical, therapy episode, dramatically increasing the likelihood of achieving full and complete rehabilitation.
Our devices are designed to be used both as stand-alone primary therapy instruments as well as an adjunct or supplemental assist for current TrP treatment methods to achieve the most favorable outcomes. They assist the PT with manual compression therapy in clinic and allow the patient to learn, hands-on, how to effectively apply treatment while on their own at home. We support your instructional process via a patient-specific video library housed in the Patient Portal on our website and a comprehensive mobile app.
Fully covered by most insurance carriers, the TrPro-Relief device is a prescription dispensed device owned by the patient for self-application at home as well as self-application under the watchful eye of the therapist during clinic appointments. The most effective, evidence-based TrP elimination methods call for consistency, repetition and active patient involvement. Having our devices readily available and easily accessible to you 24/7 greatly enhances treatment outcomes.
Our product research and development included years of treatment studies transforming us into a cooperative of hundreds of PTs and some of the most prominent PT clinics and hospitals in the world. We will always strive to meet the needs of the therapist for effective treatment of their patients. Professional feedback has been a key to our product development and success.
Our Goal is to provide the most effective, highest quality PT devices and qualify their use in physical therapy as a standard treatment modality for musculoskeletal disorders.
TrPRO-RELIEF Corporation > Henderson, NV 89014 > USA
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