An old adage says-- give a man a fish and he eats for a day; teach a man to fish and he can eat for a lifetime.
When it comes to the pain and dysfunction of musculoskeletal disorders, the ability to eliminate trigger points on your own, at the onset of symptoms, will have a profound effect on your quality of life. And learning how, with your custom configured TrPRO-RELIEF device, is as easy as winding a fishing reel.
The most effective treatment for musculoskeletal disorders is a collaborative effort and your participation is vital. Once you learn how to use our device, you will be an integral part of relieving your pain and muscle dysfunction, in any part of your body, for a lifetime.
We believe everyone deserves a functioning, pain-free movement system throughout their existence. It is the most important factor in living an active, healthy, comfortable lifestyle. With our device, you can successfully limit any progression of disability brought on by injury and muscular dysfunction.
Musculoskeletal disorders or dysfunction is a medical term used to describe a patient's injury, pain or irregular movement restrictions relating to muscles, tendons, ligaments and bones. In medicine, Orthopedic Physicians are the bone and joint specialists, but there is no Medical Doctor specialty for human muscles, tendons and ligaments--or "soft tissue". The Physical Therapist fills this role in medicine. Soft tissue issues are what these medical professionals treat 80% of the time and they are, without doubt, the experts. When you develop a movement problem, muscular issue or a "regular" pain it is important you first seek a proper diagnosis. This will accurately determine your most effective course of care.
Your TrPro-Relief device will provide you with a self-applied treatment option for any muscular pain or movement dysfunction you may experience. You will first need to learn its proper use for the specific issue you have encountered. Physical Therapists who are actively involved in their profession will be up-to-date on new, more effective treatment developments and will be well aware of our device and its proven effectiveness with musculoskeletal disorders and trigger point (TrP) therapy. We recommend you first consult with one to chart the course of your treatment. This patient portal on our website will help you with proper technique and answer questions, but an initial visit with a PT will Diagnose your problem, Define its parameters and Determine the most effective treatment process.
TrPRO-RELIEF Corporation > Henderson, NV 89014 > USA
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