The Medical Standard for Trigger Point Therapy
The Medical Standard for Trigger Point Therapy
The Coronavirus Pandemic has devastated our world. Most corporate entities have had to severely alter their way of doing business just to survive.
In the medical community, we prepare for the new norm by focusing on how we can be the most helpful. After all, this has always been what we are about. For us, we see the need for our musculoskeletal therapy device continuing to grow. In fact, distancing protocols have accelerated the emergence of telemedicine, making the self-application aspect of of our device that much more relevant.
We cannot deny the pandemic has slowed our funding progress and delayed our product launch, however, it has not derailed us. We will continue to adjust our business model in anticipation of new standards of practice and to assure investors our new projections are valid and will be
comfortably reached.
Everyone STILL deserves a healthy movement system, free of pain and disability, throughout their lifetime.
See why and learn how important YOU are in eliminating your pain, regaining function and achieving full recovery.
Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) and Trigger Points (TrPs), what are they?
Why is medical treatment with a PT so much more effective than alternative medicine choices such as chiropractic or massage?
Here is our complete video instruction library. Forgot the exercises your PT demonstrated, not sure of a specific technique or maybe you have developed a new pain that could use a little relief? It is all here.
View comprehensive instructions for applying the most effective treatment with our device.
How effective is our device?
View the studies completed.
See why your Doctor and Physical Therapist have prescribed it for you.
It is the essence of healthcare. Everyone deserves a healthy movement system throughout their lifetime.
How far can we go to limit the progression of disability for patients while also contributing to their overall well-being?
What are the latest developments with TrPro-Relief Corporation and when can you get registered?
Henderson, NV
TrPRO-RELIEF Corporation > Henderson, NV 89014 > USA
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